The President's budget includes a number of tax proposals that would increase revenues and reduce spending by $4.3 trillion over the next 10 years.
Over the last four decades, federal grants to state and local governments have made up about 17 percent of their total revenues.
There are three widely used measures of federal debt. What are the important differences between these measurements?
Healthcare spending in the United States is a key driver of the nation’s fiscal imbalance and has risen notably over the past few decades.
Healthcare spending is a critically important part of the American economy and the federal budget.
GAO projects debt held by the public would more than double over the next 30 years.
Here are six key takeaways from CBO’s latest Long-Term Budget Outlook projections.
Karen Dynan explores the implications of the federal debt burden and the degree of change required to stabilize the national debt.
While this budget would be a step in the right direction, it does not adequately address the underlying structural imbalance that defines our fiscal outlook.
The Treasury projects that debt as a percentage of GDP will grow to more than five times the size of the U.S. economy in the next 75 years.