Poll: Over 1 in 5 Americans Report Being Laid Off or Furloughed Since Coronavirus

Jun 4, 2020

The latest Financial Times-Peterson Foundation US Economic Monitor, released on June 4, 2020, reveals how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have significant financial and economic impacts across wide swaths of American society.

More than one in five Americans (21%) say that they have been laid off or furloughed since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, and one-third of them don’t expect to be rehired or retained. More than three in four Americans (76%) say it’s important for their personal financial situation that they receive a second federal stimulus payment. Most respondents say they would use an additional federal impact payment to cover basic living expenses like housing, food or utilities.

New poll: Over 1 in 5 Americans Report Being Laid Off or Furloughed Since Coronavirus

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Tweet: One in five Americans have been laid off or furloughed since the beginning of the #coronavirus crisis, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll. https://ctt.ec/eaf0w+

Tweet: 76% of Americans say it's important for them to receive an additional #coronavirus stimulus payment, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll. https://ctt.ec/N66Jb+

Tweet: Slightly more people in the South and Northeast say they need a second #coronavirus stimulus payment, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll. https://ctt.ec/iI8PQ+

Tweet: Younger Americans are more likely to say they would use a second #coronavirus stimulus payment to cover basic living expenses, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll. https://ctt.ec/e657C+

Tweet: A growing number of Americans think it will take a year or longer for the U.S. economy to fully recover from the #coronavirus, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll. https://ctt.ec/eF203+

Tweet: 66% of voters say their personal or business decisions have been impacted by the #coronavirus, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll. https://ctt.ec/3kRZH+

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