
To support the US 2050 project, which will explore demographic, fiscal, and socioeconomic trends that will shape the U.S. in the decades ahead


To support the US 2050 project, which will explore demographic, fiscal, and socioeconomic trends that will shape the U.S. in the decades ahead


To support the US 2050 project, which will explore demographic, fiscal, and socioeconomic trends that will shape the U.S. in the decades ahead


To support the US 2050 project, which will explore demographic, fiscal, and socioeconomic trends that will shape the U.S. in the decades ahead


To support the US 2050 project, which will explore demographic, fiscal, and socioeconomic trends that will shape the U.S. in the decades ahead


To support Tax Policy Center's quantitative analysis of tax expenditures and explanation of the associated policy issues


To support the development and analysis of new fiscal measurements to improve the understanding of America’s fiscal outlook


To support research examining the relationship between tax rates and tax expenditures in proposals to reform individual and corporate income taxes


To support the Kids' Share Project, which measures spending on children in the federal budget


To support the 2018 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.