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    Press Releases & Statements

    PGPF Announces Youth Summit Winners and the Peter G. Peterson Foundation today announced the results of their National Youth Summit, which brought one hundred fifty young people from around the country to Chicago, Illinois last week to discuss challenges facing young people, particularly given the economic downturn, and to give them the opportunity to present innovative solutions to the unique issues facing their generation.

    Press Releases & Statements

    Americans Rank Country's Growing Budget Challenges, Debt, and Deficit as a Top Priority for Obama Administration

    The results of the national survey, commissioned by the Foundation and released today, show that amidst the current economic crisis, there is strong consensus about the fundamental importance of the country's sustained fiscal health, and that Americans place a high priority on tackling the federal government's growing budget deficit and debt.

    Press Releases & Statements

    PGPF Discusses Study Comparing Long-Term Costs of Current Health Care Legislation

    The study examines the most recent version of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the House-passed Affordable Health Care for America Act, and it provides the first long-term comparative analysis of the costs of the House and Senate health care reform legislation.

Expert Views: Fiscal Commission

We asked experts with diverse views from across the political spectrum to share their perspectives.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.