The Peter G. Peterson Foundation Progress Report: 2008-2011

Apr 30, 2012

Since its establishment in 2008, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation has been dedicated to advancing solutions to our nation’s long-term fiscal challenges. The Foundation is motivated by the belief that America is on an unsustainable path, and that only by changing course can we ensure that our economy remains strong and competitive for future generations.

Read and download the Foundation's inaugural progress report, which provides an overview of the major initiatives, programs, and grants we have undertaken since our launch. These efforts include convening experts and elected leaders at our annual Fiscal Summits, spurring leading policy organizations to develop solutions to stabilize the long-term debt, engaging the public through issue awareness campaigns, and providing citizens with unbiased, independent analysis of federal fiscal policy.

I. A Letter from the Chairman & Our Fiscal Challenges and Our Mission
II. Building Consensus on Policy Solutions
III. Educating and Activating the American Public
IV. About The Foundation

Download the complete, interactive version to access additional multimedia content

* To view the Progress Report on-screen, please install the latest version of Adobe Flash.
To view the Progress Report using an iPad or mobile device, please click here.

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