POLITICO's Playbook co-authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman conducting a bipartisan series of interviews that will provide intelligence and insight around the congressional agenda and Washington in the first 100 days of the new Administration and beyond. Guests thus far have included:

  • House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
  • Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
  • Members of the House Freedom Caucus
  • This series is presented by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Our mission is to increase public awareness of the nature and urgency of the key fiscal challenges threatening America's future and to accelerate action on them.

    Watch the Videos

    Interview with Nancy Pelosi

    On March 3, 2017, POLITICO's Playbook co-authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman conducted a Playbook Interview with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, as part of a bipartisan series that will provide intelligence and insight around the congressional agenda and Washington in the first 100 days of the new Administration and beyond.

    Interview with Mitch McConnell

    POLITICO's Playbook co-authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman sat down for a Playbook Interview with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on March 9, 2017. The conversation provided intelligence and insight around the congressional agenda and Washington in the first 100 days of the new Administration and beyond.

    Interview with Joe Manchin

    On May 4, 2017, POLITICO Playbook co-authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman conducted a Playbook Interview with Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) that provided intelligence and insight on the agenda of the 115th Congress and the new administration.

    Interview with Members of the House Freedom Caucus

    On April 6, 2017, POLITICO Playbook co-authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman interviewed with members of the House Freedom Caucus — Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Freedom Caucus Founding Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC).

    Previous Events

    The Peterson Foundation maintains a long-standing relationship with POLITICO. Take a look at our previous events hosted together with POLITICO.


    Click here to view the POLITICO Caucus event from the Republican National Convention

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    Click here to view the POLITICO Caucus event from the Democratic National Convention

    Trouble viewing this video on mobile? Try on POLITICO.com

    Click here to view the POLITICO Caucus event from February 2016 in South Carolina

    Trouble viewing this video on mobile? Try on POLITICO.com

    Click here to view the POLITICO Caucus event from December 2015 in New Hampshire

    Trouble viewing this video on mobile? Try on POLITICO.com

    Click here to view the POLITICO Caucus event from November 2015 in Iowa

    Trouble viewing this video on mobile? Try on POLITICO.com

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.