Voters Don't Want a Government Shutdown, They Want Action on the National Debt Instead

Sep 1, 2023

Congress faces a September 30 deadline to find agreement on a budget and avert a government shutdown. A vast majority of voters is urging them to come together to find a solution.

A new Peterson Foundation poll shows that nine-in-ten Americans want policymakers to work together to avoid a shutdown and focus on implementing solutions to our growing national debt. Strong majorities of voters across party lines believe a shutdown should be avoided because it harms the economy (77%) and because it distracts from America’s larger fiscal challenges (70%).

As Foundation CEO Michael Peterson said, “Nobody wins in a government shutdown, especially our economy and the American people.”

See the below infographic for further details on this new polling.

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Tweet: Poll: Seven-in-ten voters are concerned that there will be a federal government shutdown because lawmakers will be unable to come to a budget agreement.7-in-10 voters are concerned that there will be a government shutdown.

Tweet: Poll: Strong majorities of voters believe a government shutdown should be avoided. Strong majorities of voters believe a shutdown should be avoided because it harms the economy (77%) and because it distracts from America’s larger fiscal challenges (70%).

Tweet: Poll: 90% of voters agree that lawmakers should work together to avoid a government shutdown and instead focus their efforts on the #NationalDebt.90% of voters (including 91% of Democrats and 89% of Republicans) agree lawmakers of should work together to avoid a government shutdown and focus on finding solutions for our national debt.

Tweet: Poll: 68% of voters support the creation of a bipartisan fiscal commission.68% of voters support a bipartisan fiscal commission to address the national debt, and just 5% say they are opposed.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.