What is in the American Jobs Plan?

Jun 24, 2021

In May, the Administration released details for the proposed American Jobs Plan. It would be a massive investment in a range of national priorities including transportation, climate change, caregiving, and housing.

The Biden administration has proposed offsetting the spending in the $2.6 trillion package through changes to the corporate tax code, including an increase in the corporate tax rate.

The proposed spending in the American Jobs Plan covers a 10-year window and is broken down in the following ways.

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In March, President Biden released details for the proposed American Jobs Plan. It would be a massive investment in a range of national priorities including transportation, climate change, caregiving, and housing.

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Tweet: Here’s a breakdown of the proposed spending in the #AmericanJobsPlan. https://ctt.ec/0c8eY+ via @pgpfoundation

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