May 25, 2016

The Coalition for Fiscal and National Security is a bipartisan group of highly distinguished and respected leaders in defense, economic, and national security policy, who have served during eight Presidential administrations (both Democratic and Republican), and as leaders in Congress. 

The Coalition, convened by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and chaired by Admiral Mike Mullen, emphasizes the fundamental link between America’s long-term fiscal health and our national security.  The group has released a new statement  to draw our country’s attention to the fact that America’s global leadership requires a foundation of economic growth and fiscal sustainability, and to the urgent need to update and re-prioritize our defense and foreign policy strategies to reflect a changing security environment.

Coalition for Fiscal and National Security Members

  • Mike Mullen (Chairman), Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Madeleine Albright, Former Secretary of State
  • James Baker, Former Secretary of State and the Treasury
  • Michael Chertoff, Former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Bob Gates, Former Secretary of Defense
  • Stephen Hadley, Former National Security Advisor
  • Chuck Hagel, Former Secretary of Defense
  • Lee Hamilton, Former Representative from Indiana’s 9th District
  • Michael Hayden, Former Director of the National Security Agency
  • Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State
  • Janet Napolitano, Former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Sam Nunn, Former Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
  • Paul O’Neill, Former Secretary of the Treasury
  • Leon Panetta, Former Secretary of Defense
  • Hank Paulson, Former Secretary of the Treasury
  • Tom Ridge, Former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Brent Scowcroft, Former National Security Advisor
  • George Shultz, Former Secretary of State and the Treasury
  • Paul Volcker, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
  • John Warner, Former Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
  • Bob Zoellick, Former President of the World Bank Group


More from the Coalition for Fiscal and National Security:

Solutions Initiative 2024

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See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.