Peterson Foundation Statement on National Debt Reaching $22 Trillion


Feb 12, 2019


Jeremy Rosen

NEW YORK — Michael A. Peterson, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, commented today on our nation surpassing the $22 trillion mark in outstanding debt, as noted in this afternoon’s Daily Treasury Statement:

“The national debt has now eclipsed $22 trillion, as we added $1 trillion in debt over just the last 11 months. Reaching this unfortunate milestone so rapidly is the latest sign that our fiscal situation is not only unsustainable, but accelerating.

“Our growing national debt matters because it threatens the economic future of every American. As we borrow trillion after trillion, interest costs will weigh on our economy and make it harder to fund important investments for our future. We already pay an average of $1 billion every day in interest on the debt, and will spend a staggering $7 trillion in interest costs over the next decade.

“In order to build the strong and stable future that we want for America, we must put our fiscal house in order and begin to manage our national debt.”

Related: The National Debt is Now More than $22 Trillion. What Does That Mean?

Further Reading

Person feeding a child

What Are Refundable Tax Credits?

The cost of refundable tax credits has grown over the past several years, with the number and budgetary impact of the credits increasing.

What Is the Primary Deficit?

The primary deficit is the difference between government revenues and spending, excluding interest payments. Learn more about the U.S. primary deficit.