Statement on the 2015 Social Security & Medicare Trustees Reports


Jul 22, 2015


NEW YORK — Michael A. Peterson, President and CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, commented today following the release of the 2015 Annual Reports of the Social Security and Medicare Trustees:

“In today’s reports, the Trustees sound a clear warning call that Social Security and Medicare remain on an unsustainable path. The Trustees warn us once again that, without action, the health and retirement security of millions of Americans will be put at risk.

“Unfortunately, the longer we wait, the more limited our options become. And the sooner we act, the more flexibility we will have to implement sensible, gradual and compassionate reforms. By acting now, we can preserve and protect these vital programs — especially for Americans who need them the most.

“There’s no shortage of options available for policymakers to eliminate the threat to these programs. As part of our Foundation’s recent Solutions Initiative, five leading think tanks from across the political spectrum developed long-term fiscal plans that stabilize the debt and sustain Social Security and Medicare.

“Adopting a comprehensive plan to stabilize our fiscal future is essential, both for the long-term viability of these key programs, as well as for the success of our overall economy.”

Further Reading

Person feeding a child

What Are Refundable Tax Credits?

The cost of refundable tax credits has grown over the past several years, with the number and budgetary impact of the credits increasing.

What Is the Primary Deficit?

The primary deficit is the difference between government revenues and spending, excluding interest payments. Learn more about the U.S. primary deficit.