Current Federal Debt and Deficit


    Every month the U.S. Treasury releases data on the federal budget, including the current deficit or surplus. The following contains budget data for November 2024, the second month of fiscal year (FY) 2025.

    Current Federal Deficit


    Federal Budget Deficit for November 2024


    Federal Budget Deficit for November 2023

    The federal government ran a deficit of $367 billion in November 2024, an increase of $53 billion from the deficit of $314 billion recorded in November 2023. However, December 1, 2024, fell on a weekend, which caused payments for certain programs to be shifted into November, thereby increasing spending for the month. Adjusting for that timing shift, the November 2024 deficit was $29 billion less than the same month in the previous year.

    Spending in November 2024 was $80 more than in November last year, although the increase is entirely attributable to the timing shift. Controlling for that adjustment, outlays were actually down $2 billion compared to November 2023. Driving that decrease in spending was a $51 billion decline in outlays recorded by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as payments were made last year to resolve bank failures. Offsetting that decrease were outlay increases by the Environmental Protection Agency ($16 billion), which administers funds for a grant program established by the Inflation Reduction Act, Social Security ($8 billion), and net interest ($8 billion). Receipts were up $27 billion in November 2024 compared to last year, driven by a $21 billion increase in collections of income and payroll taxes.


    Cumulative FY24 Deficit (through Nov 2024)


    Cumulative FY25 Deficit

    Through two months, the fiscal year’s cumulative deficit was $244 billion above last year’s level. However, October 1, 2023, fell on a weekend, thereby causing certain federal payments to be shifted into the previous fiscal year (FY23) and artificially reducing last year’s deficit. Conversely, the cumulative deficit through the first two months of FY25 was boosted by certain payments being shifted into November because December 1 fell on a weekend. Without those effects, the deficit for FY25 through the end of November would be $543 billion, $90 billion more than the corresponding total for last year.

    For the first two months of FY25, total outlays were $1.3 trillion, $194 billion higher than the same period in the previous year. Adjusting for the aforementioned shifts, spending was $41 billion above the same period last year. That increase was driven mainly by three categories: spending on national defense ($22 billion); Social Security spending was up by $16 billion, mainly stemming from cost-of-living adjustments; the Environmental Protection Agency spent $16 billion on grants related to clean energy. Another category that is increasing noticeably is net interest ($12 billion). Partially offsetting those increases was a $66 billion decrease in outlays by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation related to bank failure resolutions last year and the continued liquidation of the failed banks’ assets (which are recorded as a reduction in outlays).

    Revenues through the first two months of FY25 were $50 billion below collections from a year ago, mainly due to a decline in collections of individual and corporate income taxes, which were boosted last year by deferred payments from taxpayers in locations that suffered natural disasters.


    Debt Held by the Public at the end of November 2024


    Debt Held by the Public at the end of November 2023

    Fiscal year 2025 has gotten off to a bad start in terms of growth in the deficit. The federal debt is approaching its post-World War II high and is on track to continue rising rapidly, which is unsustainable. The new Administration and Congress must take action to put the nation on a more sustainable footing.

    Real Time Updates

    The U.S. Treasury releases the current national debt on most weekdays. To keep up to date on the current figure, follow @NationalDebt on X or Facebook