Our Work

Building a vibrant American economy requires a strong fiscal foundation. Since 2008, the Peterson Foundation has worked to increase awareness of America’s key fiscal challenges and to advance solutions that put our nation on a more sustainable fiscal path.

As a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, we work across party lines with policy experts, elected leaders and the general public. Our mission is to bring people together around a shared vision for a strong and sustainable fiscal and economic future with rising incomes, abundant opportunities and widely shared prosperity for the next generation.

The Foundation undertakes a range of activities, partnerships and grants to educate and engage our nation’s leaders and the public in order to secure a better fiscal and economic path forward.

What We Do

Research & Analysis

To help explain the fiscal challenge itself and illuminate the way forward, we produce timely research and analyses, adding depth and insight to the policy conversation.

Educating & Engaging

We inspire and empower Americans with innovative campaigns that increase awareness, mobilize young people and drive a thoughtful national dialogue around sustainable fiscal and economic policies.

Advancing Solutions

America’s fiscal challenges are serious, but they are also solvable. We build bipartisan coalitions to develop and advance common sense solutions that cut through entrenched partisan lines.


We provide a platform for leading thinkers and policymakers to have constructive, substantive discussions — including through our signature annual event, the Fiscal Summit.

The Foundation is proud to continue its work in these and other areas to develop and promote solutions to strengthen our long-term fiscal foundation, and promote a growing, thriving economy with greater opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.

Research & Analysis on Fiscal Policy

The Foundation provides a wide range of analysis, reports, and charts on fiscal and economic trends to help policymakers, journalists, and the public learn more about our nation’s fiscal and economic health.

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Grants and Projects

Our mission is to increase awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America’s future and to accelerate action on them.

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Fiscal Policy Education and Awareness

The Foundation engages in a wide range of activities to educate and engage Americans, and raise awareness of the fiscal and economic challenges facing our nation.

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US 2050

What will America look like at mid-century? US 2050 will examine and analyze the multiple demographic, socioeconomic, and fiscal trends that will shape the nation in the decades ahead.

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Peterson Foundation Events

To solve our fiscal challenges in an enduring way, we need input and support from across the ideological spectrum.

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National Debt and the Next Generation

They are burdened by record student debt. They are entering the workforce during a time of unprecedented economic uncertainty, in a nation with crumbling infrastructure, a climate in crisis, and rising inequality.

A Healthy Democracy to Support Effective Policymaking

The Peterson Foundation works to bring Americans together to find and implement sensible, long-term solutions for our country’s fiscal and economic challenges.

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Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.