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    Press Releases & Statements

    Administration and Congressional Teams "Get Fiscal"

    Fiscal policymakers representing the Treasury Department, other federal agencies, think tanks and Congress will face off against college students in the Budgetball Tournament on the National Mall this Sunday from 11:00am to 2:00pm ET. Players will include David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, and Robert Reischauer, former Director of the Congressional Budget Office.

    Press Releases & Statements

    As New Administration and Congress Address Range of National Challenges, Voters Remain Mindful of National Debt

    “With the nation still in the grips of a devastating public health and economic crisis, President Biden and the new Congress are right to explore additional relief and recovery legislation, but it’s also critical that we remain mindful of our long-term fiscal outlook, which has gotten far worse as our debt now exceeds the size of our economy,” said Michael A. Peterson, CEO of the Peterson Foundation.

    Press Releases & Statements

    Peter G. Peterson Foundation Report Shows Supercommittee Must “Go Big” and “Go Long” to Achieve Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability

    The Peterson Foundation cited new projections which demonstrate that $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction that fails to address the fundamental drivers of our growing debt will not stabilize the level of debt relative to the economy, which is the real test of any long-term fiscal plan.

Expert Views: Fiscal Commission

We asked experts with diverse views from across the political spectrum to share their perspectives.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.