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    Programs & Projects

    Racial Differences on the Future of Work: A Survey of the American Workforce

    Through a survey, this project assesses worker sentiments about technological advances, training opportunities and responsibility for preparing workers for a changing economy. It provides results for non-Hispanic white, African American, Latinx and Asian American/Pacific Islander populations.

    Programs & Projects

    US 2050: Conference Agenda

    By 2050, the US will be very different than it is today. Adults aged 65 and over will outnumber children under the age of 18, and our population will be much more racially and ethnically diverse, the young much more so than the old. With those changing demographics as a backdrop, the US 2050 project examines the socioeconomic developments and fiscal choices we make today that will determine standards of living decades from now.

    Programs & Projects

    Spatial Patterns of Work, Poverty, & Safety Net Provision in the U.S.

    This project explores two questions: how labor force participation has varied across different geographic contexts in recent decades; and how well-matched the safety net is to need across the urban, suburban and rural landscape. The analyses investigate labor force participation by gender, education and geography; changes in work and poverty by place over time; and gaps and mismatches in safety net provision.

Expert Views: Fiscal Commission

We asked experts with diverse views from across the political spectrum to share their perspectives.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.