As Congress works to reconcile House and Senate versions of tax legislation through a conference committee — and as new scores estimating the budgetary and economic effects of the legislation are released — it is important for policymakers and the general public to have a full understanding of the various analyses and the underlying approaches to better interpret their meaning.
The budgetary and economic effects of proposed tax legislation are a critical element of the debate. While these effects are central to tax policy, the modeling assumptions underlying them are often not adequately understood.
To help illuminate the assumptions and methodologies used in modeling changes to tax policy, the Peterson Foundation asked three non-governmental organizations — the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the Tax Foundation, and the Tax Policy Center — to answer a set of nine questions that highlight important aspects of tax modeling. Each organization independently submitted its written responses, which are shown in the report.
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Further Reading
What is Stepped-Up Basis on Capital Gains and How Does it Affect the Federal Budget?
The step-up in basis is a provision in tax law that relates to how assets — such as stocks, bonds, or real estate — are valued and taxed after their owner passes away.
Some Tax Provisions Are Expiring in 2025 — Here’s What Experts Think About Them
The TCJA lowered taxes for millions of households and made filing simpler for many — all while making the country’s fiscal outlook worse.
What Is the Carried Interest Loophole, and Why Is It So Difficult to Close?
The treatment of carried interest continues to be one of the most controversial elements of the U.S. tax code.