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Our charts frame the fiscal outlook of the U.S. government within a broad economic, political, and demographic context.
Our polling tracks the public’s views about our fiscal and economic condition and the progress elected leaders are making in addressing it.
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National Debt on Track to Reach Record High in Just Four Years
CBO’s latest projections come at a key time, as lawmakers will be faced with a range of critical fiscal decision points in the coming year. Here are seven takeaways from the report.
7 Key Charts on Tax Breaks
The United States lost an estimated $1.9 trillion in revenues through tax expenditures in 2024.
Lawmakers are Running Out of Time to Fix Social Security
Without reform, the combined Social Security trust funds will be depleted in 2035.
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What is Stepped-Up Basis on Capital Gains and How Does it Affect the Federal Budget?
The step-up in basis is a provision in tax law that relates to how assets — such as stocks, bonds, or real estate — are valued and taxed after their owner passes away.
Some Tax Provisions Are Expiring in 2025 — Here’s What Experts Think About Them
The TCJA lowered taxes for millions of households and made filing simpler for many — all while making the country’s fiscal outlook worse.
Comprehensive Plans to Address the National Debt
Policy leaders and experts across the political spectrum have proposed a number of comprehensive plans to reduce America’s long-term debt.
How Much Would It Cost to Make the TCJA Permanent?
Most of the individual tax provisions and a handful of business provisions in the TCJA are scheduled to expire in the next few years.
How Did the TCJA Affect Corporate Tax Revenues?
For the first few years after TCJA’s enactment, revenues from corporate taxes dropped sharply, but they returned to pre-TCJA levels starting in 2021.
President’s Budget Calls for Raising $4.3 Trillion in Revenues Over Ten Years — Here’s How
The President’s budget includes a number of tax proposals that would increase revenues and reduce spending.
President’s Budget Would Reduce Deficits by Raising Taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations
While this budget would be a step in the right direction, it does not adequately address the underlying structural imbalance that defines our fiscal outlook.