
America’s fiscal and economic challenges are serious, but they are also solvable. While partisan gridlock may have prevented meaningful progress to date, there is no shortage of worthy proposals to strengthen our fiscal and economic future.

No single approach will be perfect in everyone’s eyes, but our leaders can draw upon the many good ideas that have been put forward from across the ideological spectrum in order to help ensure economic growth and prosperity for the next generation.

Most importantly, a number of comprehensive plans have been proposed and serve as helpful blueprints for a path forward.

There are also many policy options for individual parts of the budget that merit consideration.

Comprehensive Plans to Address the National Debt

Policy leaders and experts across the political spectrum have put forward a number of comprehensive plans to reduce America’s long-term debt and lay a strong foundation for future economic growth.

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Tax Reform

Tax reform done right would promote economic growth, make our fiscal outlook more sustainable, reduce the complexity and burden of compliance, and increase the system’s transparency and fairness.

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Healthcare Reform

Improving our healthcare system to deliver better quality care at lower cost is critically important to our nation’s long-term economic and fiscal wellbeing.

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Understanding the Budget

Policymakers use the federal budget process to establish spending priorities and identify revenue to pay for those activities.

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Retirement and Social Security

There are numerous viable options to preserve the retirement system, including Social Security, in a fiscally sustainable way that gives families adequate time to plan and strengthens support for those who need it the most.

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National Security Solutions

By making smart, strategic decisions about future national security requirements policymakers can ensure that our military is strong and that we are prepared to defend our nation from threats while also avoiding potential waste of precious national resources

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Budget Process Reforms

The current budget process is ill-suited for managing the nation’s long-term fiscal affairs. Learn about possible reforms to reimagine the budget process.

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Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.