
To support a bipartisan effort to develop reforms to maintain or improve the quality of healthcare at lower costs, using Medicare claims data to increase understanding of the use of medical services and estimate the potential budgetary impact of proposed reforms.


Fiscal Solutions Phase II: Revise and update long-term fiscal solutions proposals, including identification of top policy priorities for the new Administration and Congress, proposal implementation over the first ten years, and how the proposals address the "fiscal cliff."


To support a bipartisan effort to develop reforms to maintain or improve the quality of healthcare at lower costs, using Medicare claims data to increase understanding of the use of medical services and estimate the potential budgetary impact of proposed reforms.


To support post-launch activities of the Debt Reduction Task Force's development and dissemination of its long-term budget plan to reduce projected federal debt.


To support the establishment of the Debt Reduction Task Force to develop a long-term budget plan to reduce projected federal debt and place the United States on a sustainable fiscal path, which was incorporated into the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Solutions Initiative.


To support the execution of Up to Us, a nationwide nonpartisan campus competition empowering university students to create campaigns that educate and engage their peers on America's fiscal challenges and their impact on economic opportunity, investment in the future, and other concerns of future generations.


To support CGI America’s 2016 meeting, including a policy discussion of a new report from the Coalition for Fiscal and National Security, which draws attention to how our national security is fundamentally linked to the fiscal sustainability of our federal budget.


To support CGI America's 2015 meeting and discussions on how to improve the nation's long-term economic competitiveness.


To support the 2016 Health Matters Summit.


To support the execution of Up to Us, a nationwide nonpartisan campus competition empowering university students to create campaigns that educate and engage their peers on America's fiscal challenges and their impact on economic opportunity, investment in the future, and other concerns of future generations.