Concord Coalition Corp.

Awarded Grants


To educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits and the importance of building a secure fiscal foundation for economic growth


To educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits and how to build a sound fiscal foundation for economic growth


To educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits and how to build a sound fiscal foundation for economic growth


To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.


To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.


To support the 2016 Paul Tsongas Economic Patriot Award Dinner.


To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.


To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.


To support the 2013 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.


To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.