Grants and Projects

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s mission is to increase awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America’s future and to accelerate action on them. The Foundation works with leading policy experts, elected officials, and the public to build support for solutions to put America on a sustainable fiscal path. The Foundation supports innovative projects, through grants and partnerships to educate and engage Americans from a variety of perspectives.

Learn how to apply for grant funding.


Awarding Organization Year Grantee Amount ($) Description
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $299,902
Project Description:

To support updates and dissemination of the Understanding Fiscal Responsibility curriculum to help high school students understand the facts, significance, and consequences of the nation's fiscal challenges.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2017 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2018 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $282,000
Project Description:

To update and disseminate the Understanding Fiscal Responsibility curriculum to educate high school students on fiscal and economic issues

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2019 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $245,000
Project Description:

To create a high school curriculum on fiscal and economic principles, including lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2020 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2022 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation $35,000
Project Description:

To support the 15th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Conference, an event convening health policy experts from the public and private sectors to discuss the broad trends shaping the health care system and their impact on the nation's economic and fiscal outlook.

See all Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation grants
Peterson Foundation
Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation $35,000
Project Description:

To support an event convening health policy experts from the public and private sectors to discuss the broad trends shaping the healthcare system and their impact on the nation's economic and fiscal outlook.

See all Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the enlistment of senior corporate executives and next generation business leaders in fiscal reform efforts, online outreach, and events focused on long-term fiscal challenges.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $603,616
Project Description:

To support the enlistment of senior corporate executives and next generation business leaders in fiscal reform efforts, online outreach, and events focused on long-term fiscal challenges.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $250,000
Project Description:

To support the Fiscal Health Initiative, a program providing nonpartisan analysis on long-term fiscal challenges and conducting outreach to the business community in support of more sustainable policies

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2013 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2014 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2015 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

to support education and outreach to employees on government policy and fiscal issues

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2016 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2015 Fall Policy Conference.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $4,500
Project Description:

To support the 2017 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $100,000
Project Description:

To support education and outreach to employees on government policy and fiscal issues.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2017 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2018 Distinguished Performance Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2019 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.