Grants and Projects

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s mission is to increase awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America’s future and to accelerate action on them. The Foundation works with leading policy experts, elected officials, and the public to build support for solutions to put America on a sustainable fiscal path. The Foundation supports innovative projects, through grants and partnerships to educate and engage Americans from a variety of perspectives.

Learn how to apply for grant funding.


Awarding Organization Year Grantee Amount ($) Description
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Brandeis University $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 26th Princeton Conference, which provides health care professionals the ability to discuss the most pressing issues in health policy.

See all Brandeis University grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Brandeis University $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 27th Princeton Conference, which provides health care professionals the ability to discuss the most pressing issues in health policy.

See all Brandeis University grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $200,000
Project Description:

To support the establishment of the Debt Reduction Task Force to develop a long-term budget plan to reduce projected federal debt and place the United States on a sustainable fiscal path, which was incorporated into the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Solutions Initiative.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $200,000
Project Description:

To support post-launch activities of the Debt Reduction Task Force's development and dissemination of its long-term budget plan to reduce projected federal debt.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $670,000
Project Description:

To support a bipartisan effort to develop reforms to maintain or improve the quality of healthcare at lower costs, using Medicare claims data to increase understanding of the use of medical services and estimate the potential budgetary impact of proposed reforms.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $150,000
Project Description:

Fiscal Solutions Phase II: Revise and update long-term fiscal solutions proposals, including identification of top policy priorities for the new Administration and Congress, proposal implementation over the first ten years, and how the proposals address the "fiscal cliff."

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $330,000
Project Description:

To support a bipartisan effort to develop reforms to maintain or improve the quality of healthcare at lower costs, using Medicare claims data to increase understanding of the use of medical services and estimate the potential budgetary impact of proposed reforms.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $17,000
Project Description:

To support the 2014 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $4,500
Project Description:

To support the 2014 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $4,500
Project Description:

To support the 2015 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $17,000
Project Description:

To support the 2015 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $250,000
Project Description:

To support the development of comprehensive solutions to address the nation's long-term fiscal challenges, as part of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Solutions Initiative.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $1,237,000
Project Description:

To support healthcare research on high-need patients, in partnership with the Harvard School of Public Health and the National Academy of Medicine.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $4,500
Project Description:

To support the 2016 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $17,000
Project Description:

To support the 2016 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $500,000
Project Description:

To support work highlighting the impact of Department of Defense (DoD) personnel, overhead and procurement spending trends on national security preparedness and to develop recommendations for budget reforms to enhance the DoD's ability to meet current and evolving security threats

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $4,500
Project Description:

To support the 2017 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $21,500
Project Description:

To support the 2017 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $265,000
Project Description:

To support the development of a framework for long-term budgeting for the federal government

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $4,500
Project Description:

To support the 2018 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $21,000
Project Description:

To support the 2018 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $200,000
Project Description:

To support independent bipartisan analyses of the sustainability of Social Security and Medicare on behalf of the American public by two former public trustees

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2019 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $23,000
Project Description:

To support the 2019 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $200,000
Project Description:

To support independent bipartisan analyses of the sustainability of Social Security and Medicare on behalf of the American public by two former public trustees

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.