Grants and Projects

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s mission is to increase awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America’s future and to accelerate action on them. The Foundation works with leading policy experts, elected officials, and the public to build support for solutions to put America on a sustainable fiscal path. The Foundation supports innovative projects, through grants and partnerships to educate and engage Americans from a variety of perspectives.

Learn how to apply for grant funding.


Awarding Organization Year Grantee Amount ($) Description
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Advancing States Inc $25,000
Project Description:

To assist states in scaling effective home and community-based services

See all Advancing States Inc grants
Peterson Foundation
Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management $11,000
Project Description:

2021 Fall Research Conference

See all Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management grants
Peterson Foundation
Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation $250,000
Project Description:

To support the execution of Up to Us™, a nationwide nonpartisan initiative empowering college students to educate and engage their peers on America's fiscal challenges and the impact on their future

See all Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $34,000
Project Description:

To develop a research paper examining how the burden of student debt in the U.S. impacts students and government finances, and policy options for the federal student loan program

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center $65,000
Project Description:

To support the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program. (HOMEBASE)

See all Bipartisan Policy Center grants
Peterson Foundation
Brown University $1,000,000
Project Description:

To fund selected pandemic-related research projects through the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Pandemic Response Policy Research Fund

See all Brown University grants
Peterson Foundation
Business Executives for National Security $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Eisenhower Award Dinner (in NYC)

See all Business Executives for National Security grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers $25,000
Project Description:

To support the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs' 2021 annual conference "Putting Care at the Center"

See all Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers grants
Peterson Foundation
Cato Institute $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Cato Institute grants
Peterson Foundation
Center for American Progress $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Center for American Progress grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. $214,000
Project Description:

To further develop the Better Care Playbook, an online resource for stakeholders seeking to improve the quality and lower the cost of care for high-need patients.

See all Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Citizens Budget Commission $26,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Annual Dinner

See all Citizens Budget Commission grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Civica Foundation $5,000,000
Project Description:

To support a new initiative to make insulin affordable and available for high-needs and other patients

See all Civica Foundation grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Coalition to Transform Advanced Care $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 National Summit on Advance Illness Care

See all Coalition to Transform Advanced Care grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Coalition to Transform Advanced Care $250,000
Project Description:

To develop and disseminate care models for serious illness, and prepare policy recommendations that promote best practices

See all Coalition to Transform Advanced Care grants
Peterson Foundation
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $750,000
Project Description:

To educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits and the importance of building a secure fiscal foundation for economic growth

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $50,000
Project Description:

To support the 2022 Distinguished Leadership Awards Dinner, which recognizes business leaders who advocate for the nation's long-term interests.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Council for Economic Education $25,000
Project Description:

To support the 2022 Visionary Awards, which honors leaders in the economic and financial education field.

See all Council for Economic Education grants
Peterson Foundation
Economic Policy Institute $5,000
Project Description:

To support the 2021 Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Internship Program.

See all Economic Policy Institute grants
Peterson Foundation
Fiscal Challenge $77,000
Project Description:

To support and scale a competition for college students to develop budget plans that stabilize federal debt as a share of the economy over the long term

See all Fiscal Challenge grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Harvard University $75,000
Project Description:

To develop and disseminate a toolkit to support effective implementation of innovations in healthcare

See all Harvard University grants
Peterson Foundation
Independent Sector $25,000
Project Description:

To support a conference convening nonprofit leaders to discuss public policy challenges and opportunities facing the nonprofit sector.

See all Independent Sector grants

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.