Grants and Projects

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s mission is to increase awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America’s future and to accelerate action on them. The Foundation works with leading policy experts, elected officials, and the public to build support for solutions to put America on a sustainable fiscal path. The Foundation supports innovative projects, through grants and partnerships to educate and engage Americans from a variety of perspectives.

Learn how to apply for grant funding.


Awarding Organization Year Grantee Amount ($) Description
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Civica, Inc. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support of a project to address high prices of life-saving medications

See all Civica, Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support efforts to educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits, the long-term challenges facing America's unsustainable entitlement programs, and how to build a sound foundation for economic growth.

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits and how to build a sound fiscal foundation for economic growth

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Concord Coalition Corp. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To educate the public about the causes and consequences of federal budget deficits and how to build a sound fiscal foundation for economic growth

See all Concord Coalition Corp. grants
Peterson Foundation
Conference Board Inc. $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the enlistment of senior corporate executives and next generation business leaders in fiscal reform efforts, online outreach, and events focused on long-term fiscal challenges.

See all Conference Board Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Nuclear Threat Initiative $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the "Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance" (CORDS) initiative, which links regional disease surveillance networks to improve global capacity to respond to infectious diseases, and the Nuclear Materials Security Index, a benchmarking project of nuclear materials security conditions on a country-by-country basis.

See all Nuclear Threat Initiative grants
Peterson Foundation
Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the C. Fred Bergsten endowed chair to prepare analyses related to U.S. economic and fiscal issues.

See all Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics grants
Peterson Foundation
The Volcker Alliance $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the State/Local Accountability and Improvement Program and the Public Sector Performance, Impact and Innovation Program

See all The Volcker Alliance grants
Peterson Foundation
The Volcker Alliance $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the development of an annual budget scorecard to promote fiscal transparency and integrity in state governments

See all The Volcker Alliance grants
Peterson Foundation
The Volcker Alliance $1,000,000
Project Description:

To produce an annual budget scorecard to promote fiscal transparency and integrity in state governments

See all The Volcker Alliance grants
Peterson Foundation
University of New Hampshire School of Law $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support a new certificate program, Fiscal Responsibility and the Law, and an annual leadership and fiscal responsibility conference at the Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Policy.

See all University of New Hampshire School of Law grants
Peterson Foundation
Urban Institute $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support technical improvements to the Tax Policy Center’s models and expanded capacity for analyzing macroeconomic effects of tax reform and the effectiveness of tax policy

See all Urban Institute grants
Peterson Foundation
2010 $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support "Our Unsustainable Future," a special year-long media initiative to address the critical fiscal issues that will determine the outcome of America's future.

See all grants
Peterson Foundation
Brown University $1,000,000
Project Description:

To fund selected pandemic-related research projects through the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Pandemic Response Policy Research Fund

See all Brown University grants
Peterson Foundation
University of Chicago $1,000,000
Project Description:

To fund selected pandemic-related research projects through the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Pandemic Response Policy Research Fund

See all University of Chicago grants
Peterson Foundation
University of Southern California $1,000,000
Project Description:

To fund selected pandemic-related research projects through the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Pandemic Response Policy Research Fund

See all University of Southern California grants
Peterson Foundation
Urban Institute $989,760
Project Description:

To support the development of an integrated research model of federal taxes and spending.

See all Urban Institute grants
Peterson Foundation
Net Impact $967,140
Project Description:

To support the execution of Up to Us, a nationwide campus competition empowering university students to create campaigns that educate and engage their peers on America's fiscal challenges and their impact on economic opportunity, investment in the future, and other concerns of future generations.

See all Net Impact grants
Peterson Foundation
National Academy of Sciences $945,000
Project Description:

To support the Institute of Medicine's efforts to draw attention to opportunities to improve value and reduce the costs of health care in the United States through public meetings at the National Academies and a publication summarizing their discussion and findings.

See all National Academy of Sciences grants
Peterson Center on Healthcare
Stanford University $938,533
Project Description:

To support the Stanford Clinical Excellence Research Center’s efforts to identify and evaluate health care providers whose innovations deliver high quality health care at lower costs.

See all Stanford University grants
Peterson Foundation
National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. $921,000
Project Description:

To support a post-doctoral fellowship program on long-term fiscal policy

See all National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. grants
Peterson Foundation
Urban Institute $876,000
Project Description:

To support Tax Policy Center's quantitative analysis of tax expenditures and explanation of the associated policy issues

See all Urban Institute grants

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.