Budget Basics Archive

2013 Fall Fiscal Agenda: A Critical Time for Action; 4 upcoming milestones
2013 Fall Fiscal Agenda: A Critical Time for Action; 4 upcoming milestones
2013 Fall Fiscal Agenda: A Critical Time for Action; 4 upcoming milestones
2013 Fall Fiscal Agenda: A Critical Time for Action; 4 upcoming milestones
Through easy-to-understand language and charts, the State of the Union’s Finances explains the enormous fiscal challenges we face, based on the official financial statements of the U.S. government.
Sequestration is a process that cuts federal spending through across-the-board reductions.
Budget Explainer: What's at Stake with Discretionary Spending Cuts
As policymakers consider how best to address our looming fiscal challenges, there is a growing debate about whether the U.S. can reduce defense spending without jeopardizing its national security.
During the final debates, it's up to us to pay attention to how our presidential candidates’ plans could impact America's future. While the budget and economy were already major topics, the upcoming debates will highlight national security and a range of other issues — both foreign and domestic — that also have implications for our long-term fiscal health.
Who Pays For Medicare?

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.