Voter Views on School Reopening, Vaccine Availability and Economic Recovery

Aug 18, 2020

The latest Financial Times-Peterson Foundation US Economic Monitor, released on August 18, 2020, reveals voter concerns on a range of complex policy challenges surrounding the pandemic, including timing for reopening schools, vaccine availability and the ongoing health and economic impact of the disease.

Six in 10 voters oppose reopening K-12 schools in their states, and 81% agree on the need to prioritize the health of students, teachers and parents over the economy. Most voters don’t believe a vaccine will be approved and publicly available this year, but if one is, 65% say they will likely choose to be vaccinated.

Looking ahead, more than six in 10 voters expect it will take the U.S. economy more than a year to fully recover, and believe that restrictions on non-essential businesses and social distancing requirements should not be lifted for at least three additional months.


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Tweet: The majority of voters oppose reopening schools, according to a new #poll from @FT and @pgpfoundation.

Tweet: When asked about reopening schools, 81% of voters agree on the need to prioritize the health of students, teachers, and parents over the economy.

Tweet: If a #coronavirus vaccine is approved and made available by the end of this year, the majority of voters say they would be likely to get it.

Tweet: Two-thirds of Americans believe it will take more than a year to fully recover, according to a new #poll from @FT and @pgpfoundation.

Tweet: 65% of voters believe restrictions on non-essential businesses and social distancing should remain in place for three months more or longer.

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