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    Press Releases & Statements

    Administration and Congressional Teams "Get Fiscal"

    Fiscal policymakers representing the Treasury Department, other federal agencies, think tanks and Congress will face off against college students in the Budgetball Tournament on the National Mall this Sunday from 11:00am to 2:00pm ET. Players will include David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, and Robert Reischauer, former Director of the Congressional Budget Office.

    Press Releases & Statements

    Peter G. Peterson Foundation To Be Broadcast Sponsor of Bloomberg/Washington Post Presidential Primary Debate on the Economy

    The Peter G. Peterson Foundation announced today that it will be the exclusive broadcast sponsor of the Bloomberg/Washington Post Republican Presidential Debate, to be held on Tuesday, October 11th at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.

    Press Releases & Statements

    Peter G. Peterson Foundation Announces Second Phase of Solutions Initiative

    Building on work that began with the Foundation's Solutions Initiative last year, experts from the American Action Forum, the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Center for American Progress, the Economic Policy Institute and The Heritage Foundation have each composed specific plans to set the country on a more sustainable fiscal path, and set out their top priorities for the President and Congress.

Expert Views: Fiscal Commission

We asked experts with diverse views from across the political spectrum to share their perspectives.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.