Poll: 82% of Americans Want Federal Relief Extended, Most See Tougher Economic Road Ahead

Jul 7, 2020

The latest Financial Times-Peterson Foundation US Economic Monitor, released on July 7, 2020, reveals timely data about Americans’ deep concerns about the health and economic effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Voters are now much more likely to believe the pandemic is going to get worse in their community in the next month (49% compared to 24% who think it will get better), and broad swaths of Americans are calling for extending federal economic support legislation.

More than 8 in 10 Americans (82%) support extending CARES Act benefits beyond their current expiration date of July 31. Moreover, voters are now more inclined to move the end of social distancing measures further into the future, and most expect the nation’s economic recovery to take a year or longer.

New Poll: 82% of Americans Want Federal Relief Extended, Most See Tougher Economic Road Ahead

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Tweet: A majority of voters support extending the moratorium on evictions and cutting the payroll #tax. https://ctt.ec/Pu37e+ via @pgpfoundation

Tweet: Broad swaths of Americans are calling for additional economic stimulus in response to the #coronavirus pandemic. https://ctt.ec/Nd6Kp+ via @pgpfoundation

Tweet: A growing number of Americans think that the economy will take a year or longer to recover from the #coronavirus pandemic. https://ctt.ec/T67bX+ via @pgpfoundation

Tweet: Voters are now much more likely to believe the #coronavirus pandemic is going to get worse in their community in the next month. https://ctt.ec/bE65F+ via @pgpfoundation

Tweet: A growing number of Americans think restrictions on non-essential businesses and social distancing requirements should remain in place for three months or longer. https://ctt.ec/ld3bD+ via @pgpfoundation

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