Majority of Voters Support Higher Taxes for Wealthy and Corporations — and Want Next President to Pay for His Priorities

Oct 20, 2020

Less than two weeks from Election Day, the majority of voters support increased taxes on high income Americans and corporations — and they want the next president to pay for his priorities. These findings are included in the latest Financial Times-Peterson Foundation US Economic Monitor, released on October 20, which reveals public sentiment on a range of fiscal and economic issues, including tax policy reforms, and how Americans have handled personal expenses such as food and rent as many benefits of coronavirus relief legislation have expired.

The vast majority of respondents (94%) said it is important for the next president to pay for priorities so that they don’t increase the federal budget deficit once the pandemic is over. More than half favor a combination of tax increases and spending cuts to reduce the deficit, with a minority of voters favoring solely spending cuts or solely tax increases.

Majority of Voters Support Higher Taxes for Wealthy and Corporations – and Want Next President to Pay for His Priorities

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Tweet: The majority of Democrats and Republicans believe corporations and higher earners should pay more #taxes, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll.

Tweet: 94% of voters said it is important for the next president to pay for priorities so that they don’t increase the federal budget deficit once the #coronavirus pandemic is over. via @pgpfoundation

Tweet: Six in ten voters do not expect to vote in person on Election Day, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll.

Tweet: Americans continue to struggle with the economic fallout from the #coronavirus pandemic, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll.

Tweet: 65% of voters believe that social distancing requirements should remain for at least 3 more months, according to a new @FT & @PGPFoundation #poll.

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